Raw power

Raw fruit and veggies…

fresh local produce


Even though I could never call myself a raw foodist, as summer draws to a close I am still enjoying lots of raw salads, which currently make up at least 50% of my diet. I particularly love raw fermented vegetables and have them daily in my salads!

Having worked abroad in my clients villa’s for many years, I have quite a repertoire of raw salads and often incorporate them in my menus in the summer months.

The health benefits of raw foods…

Raw food enthusiasts claim the following health benefits, which may be due to raw unprocessed foods or a generally cleaner diet. However, a diet that includes plenty of fruits and veggies and minimal processed foods has to be great for you!

  • Permanent weight-loss management
  • Promotes beneficial gut flora – particularly with raw fermented vegetables
  • Beautiful skin and hair
  • Increased energy and stamina
  • Mental clarity and focus
  • Emotional balance
  • Spiritual connection
  • Decreased cravings


Here are some of the myths debunked…

  • Digestive enzymes

Although raw foods do have enzymes within them, most people produce adequate enzymes in the gut to break down food. Furthermore, enzymes in foods are destroyed by acid as soon as they hit the stomach.

  • More nutrient dense

It is true that foods do lose a lot of nutrients in cooking. However, some fruits and vegetables develop beneficial nutrients when cooked and some nutrients have more bio availability with cooking i.e. Lycopene in cooked tomatoes and vitamins A and E, protein, fiber, zinc, thiamin, calcium, and iron in cooked spinach.

Including plenty of raw fruits and vegetables can keep tip the body into the alkaline range (as fruits and veggies are alkaline). This helps to inhibit non-beneficial bacteria and is useful in many of the bodies biochemical functions.

  • Great fibre content for elimination

Raw food isn’t great for everybody. People with digestive disorders should beware – raw food can aggravate symptoms in a sensitive digestive tract, and well cooked, easily digested foods would be more advisable.

Takeaway… Include plenty of raw fruits and vegetables into your diet, however balancing your intake with cooked vegetable will ensure you get the full range of bio-available nutrients in your diet!